Heated conversations
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
I must say I strongly felt like Verbinski had read my last rant about his undeniable flop and then went on to curse me with no less than what seems like voodoo doll tricks when I developed a raging fever which went on continuously for 4 nights.
Talk about retribution.
In fact, Sunday morning was the first time the fever subsided after what seemed like eternity but I taught myself not to be smug about it, especially after reading about scary symptoms of dengue fever with a possible second onset of fever after the first bout. There was a time, during my feverish state, in which I contemplated myself actually contracting dengue fever to the point of hallucinating that I had rashes that were invisible to everybody but myself.
Let me tell you that at a high of 39.6 degrees, my brains were practically fried, and to put it mildly, I was having conversations with myself nearly half the time. The other half of the time is of course spent mostly asleep when I'm knocked out by lots and lots of drugs. While my anti-bodies were fighting a war inside my body, my brain went delirious, frantically trying to save random bits of information that I had learnt and memorized since I was a child like maths equations out of nowhere, some words from a spelling test, English, Japanese, French... incidentally, I noticed that it didn't bother testing how to write in Chinese
hur hur.
Basically, my brain was trying to test its sanity by attempting to recall things I've learnt before and should remember. So it wasn't really like a calm monologue in the manner of sitting quietly by the sea watching the waves roll by and reading poetry off Matthew Arnold... it was more like a frenzied argument between the brain's cells in the manner of:
Brain centre aka teacher: What is the derivative of the function f(x) at the point X0?
Rest of the brain cells run around frantically jumping up and down, not knowing what to do, having been ultra rusty at functions in approximately 5 years, finally shouting: "I don't know! I don't know!" And then they proceed to get a bit worried, thinking they have either lost their sanity or lost their intelligence, whichever is more comforting.
To be honest, the brain centre was equally as lost, having not gone through this feverish crisis in at least 10 years. In its heyday (when I was still a young child), it was actively shooting off various questions on anything I had learnt and that would drive the rest of the cells mad just searching for the answers. Of course, the questions then were infinitely easier like: cite the multiplication table of 9 or something.
Well thankfully for me (and unfortunately for some), my brain is still intact. No loss of memory or snide remarks I'm afraid, despite the heat.
2:00 pm