» わたしのこと «

The writer does not intend to but tends to make silly remarks that make others laugh. Sometimes she enjoys this unintentional trait of hers, and sometimes she detests it. But nevertheless, she loves to laugh at silly things, both good and bad, mostly little silly things, because she finds that life is too short to spend it sulking away. She also tends to be sarcastic with her words because the subtlety of dry humour makes her laugh even more and lightheartedly at those who "just don't get it."

» ぜんかい «

  • Reflect
  • Meet Natsumi
  • Gone Bunburying
  • Italy is every Japanese tourist's paradise
  • Before I leave
  • The Pillowman
  • Grickle time
  • Been watching some good stuff
  • Facebook
  • Waraku photo moments

  • December 2005
    January 2006
    February 2006
    March 2006
    April 2006
    May 2006
    June 2006
    July 2006
    August 2006
    September 2006
    October 2006
    November 2006
    December 2006
    January 2007
    February 2007
    March 2007
    April 2007
    May 2007
    June 2007
    July 2007
    August 2007
    September 2007
    October 2007
    November 2007
    December 2007
    January 2008
    March 2008
    April 2008
    May 2008
    July 2008
    March 2009

    » ともだち «

    Adrian - Aloy - Cat - Daniel
    Dawn - Druce - Faith - Jim
    Karen - Kim - Kyoko - Matt
    Miss M - Nicholas - Nova - Sel
    Sherina - Tuna - Verbalme

    » おしゃべり «

    » かんしゃ «

    Sara - Blogger

    Because I could have

    Sunday, March 02, 2008

    I detest it when people use derogatory terms on other people and they do not mean it - or worse they do not know what the words mean (no thanks to the American media these days).

    It just shows the serious lack of a wide range of vocabulary, or that they just aren't thinking very logically. Probably both.

    And I don't mean like just swearing as a form of expression to no one in particular. I mean the kind of direct accusation that comes out too forceful and strong to take it back - well actually most things that come out of your mouth are hard to take back - I mean the kind that warrants no sense of (if I may dare to use the word) forgiveness. I mean especially the kind that attacks your weaknesses (even though these don't have any part to play in the action) intentionally and blackmails you emotionally to achieve a winning stance just by hitting you exactly where it's supposed to hurt the most.

    Despicable, really.

    Shouting at another person to express your discontentment is one thing. Shouting at that same person in all kinds of vulgarities and accusing him/her for shouting and making a big fuss out of things - precisely something you started out doing in the first place - is another. And this is where I draw the line between a healthy anger outlet and going overboard, after much evaluation of the entire situation.

    You have crossed the line. You have insulted me and my pride in every way possible. And I content myself in thinking that I have not retaliated with the same disgusting words you have used, nor have I attacked your sorest points in order to agitate you or done anything that has compromised my entire self as a person.

    Because I could have.

    But I didn't. And because I haven't done any of these things, although I probably felt very tempted to initially, I can say that I'm not all the things you said I am and it's not my fault that you had this outburst. It was probably something that was sitting there waiting for someone to trigger it, and I happened to be that unfortunate person.

    It's not my fault you feel depressed over a now ex-girlfriend who didn't take your feelings seriously. I shouldn't have to be made to bear the brunt of it. Nobody should, not even family members.

    I feel utterly ashamed to be related to you.

    5:39 pm