» わたしのこと «

The writer does not intend to but tends to make silly remarks that make others laugh. Sometimes she enjoys this unintentional trait of hers, and sometimes she detests it. But nevertheless, she loves to laugh at silly things, both good and bad, mostly little silly things, because she finds that life is too short to spend it sulking away. She also tends to be sarcastic with her words because the subtlety of dry humour makes her laugh even more and lightheartedly at those who "just don't get it."

» ぜんかい «

  • The Pillowman
  • Grickle time
  • Been watching some good stuff
  • Facebook
  • Waraku photo moments
  • A dedication
  • More shameless activities by the family of bimbos ...
  • The hunt for all things Japanese along the Singapo...
  • $1.20 of happiness
  • Empty dreams

  • December 2005
    January 2006
    February 2006
    March 2006
    April 2006
    May 2006
    June 2006
    July 2006
    August 2006
    September 2006
    October 2006
    November 2006
    December 2006
    January 2007
    February 2007
    March 2007
    April 2007
    May 2007
    June 2007
    July 2007
    August 2007
    September 2007
    October 2007
    November 2007
    December 2007
    January 2008
    March 2008
    April 2008
    May 2008
    July 2008
    March 2009

    » ともだち «

    Adrian - Aloy - Cat - Daniel
    Dawn - Druce - Faith - Jim
    Karen - Kim - Kyoko - Matt
    Miss M - Nicholas - Nova - Sel
    Sherina - Tuna - Verbalme

    » おしゃべり «

    » かんしゃ «

    Sara - Blogger

    Before I leave

    Thursday, December 06, 2007

    I've been really busy prior to this trip, well not just the packing (although that can be a little stressful) but also studying for the JLPT exam was quite frustrating, mainly because I haven't studied that much in depth yet and was overestimating myself when I registered for it.

    Oh well, now that it's over and done with, I feel a huge burden lifted off my shoulders plus a promise to pass next year. For those who don't know, if I pass this current level, it qualifies me to be a full-fledged translator and more career options will open to me.

    Obviously I'm treading on very dangerous ground here, living on the edge, but I really don't want to sign up for a boring job that will probably earn me a relatively stable income of 2.8k a month writing financial reports (I know someone in my hons class who just landed this cushy job) or sign myself to NIE and be bonded for three years (I know the pay's good as well), but still...

    Not that teaching isn't good, I just want to venture into pathways different from the mainstream and if I fail, well, I know that I've tried. At least I won't regret having done my best.

    I guess the exam was a good experience for me. I understood the overwhelming frustration of not being able to do all the questions and I realised that this could either make one hate studying or propel one into studying harder.

    Well, I was initially quite pissed with myself for studying (although little) and watch it come to naught. And then as I took the later two papers (there were three), I realised that this exam made me want to study harder because I couldn't accept defeat and because failing meant that I was wasting my time venturing into something new.

    The only analogy I can think of is that I had died and was revived by heart shockers, so now I want to lead a changed life. Having said that, I'm definitely bringing my text and Japanese dramas to Italy with me. Ipod video version of course.

    It'll be a good break to leave the comfort zone once in a while.

    On another note, it is mandatory for all Japanese action (and I mean detective/law kind of action) flick fans to watch Hero. You must catch it!

    5:52 pm