Rockapella rocked our world!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Yes, I have a guilty confession to make: I secretly (well not so secret now anymore) went for the one-night only Rockapella concert and turned into a groupie, together with Kim, Faith, Mandy and Maggi.
After the group of five guys started singing in their wonderful wonderful voices, the five of us melted and started having recurring raging hormones from like teenhood or something.
Examples of rising oestrogen levels: "They were so goooooooooodddddddddddddddd..."
"omg they are so cutttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeee!!"
How the hell do they do it?! No instruments, no nothing, just them and their voices. The vocal percussionist, Jeff did all the instruments using his voice. I couldn't have believed it if I weren't there for myself, it sounded exactly like the real thing- the drums, the cymbals, everything. And according to Mandy, the pitch expert, they were pitch-perfect, despite the lead singer, Scott having some sort of sore throat.
When they sung, all my childhood dreams of becoming part of an acapella group just came back to me in a flood... I wanna sing like them damnit!! Girls, we should form a band man, there are five of us too, just nice... muahahahhaa... and you know, start small like they did on the streets of New York with a hat out for collecting money for dinner.
Yup it's true, I totally admit... the guilty pleasure of watching this right smack in the middle of all our deadlines made it more enticing. I am so gonna pay for one night of indulgence. To a geek, my actions would have seemed unfathomable, no, he/she would think I was mad. Just what the hell did I think I was doing going to a bloody concert when my deadlines (now let us not go to the exams bit first) are just around the corner.
No regrets nonetheless. Rockapella totally rocked our world! We did enjoy ourselves watching Rockapella and pigging out before
and after the show. Really, we can just not stop eating, especially around the still-growing and ever-hungry Mandy and Faith.
Never underestimate the power of their eating capability haha. Now they're just going to kill me for defaming them here hehe.
After the show, they had an autograph signing session, which being newbies to this sort of thing, we completely missed it, and by the time we came back to it, there was a long queue. So the closest we could come to Rockapella was behind a red tape. Kim was trying to strategise by casually walking past, but to no avail, since we ended up standing in front of them from afar like some voyeur hur hur. In the end, Mandy helped us make a resolution: "the next time we come here for their concert, we are so going to buy their cds (assuming that we should have started working by then and have relatively more spending capital) and then queue there from the start."
P.S. we took photos and I was going to post them up here but Faith and Maggi haven't uploaded them yet, so the photos will just have to wait.
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