» わたしのこと «

The writer does not intend to but tends to make silly remarks that make others laugh. Sometimes she enjoys this unintentional trait of hers, and sometimes she detests it. But nevertheless, she loves to laugh at silly things, both good and bad, mostly little silly things, because she finds that life is too short to spend it sulking away. She also tends to be sarcastic with her words because the subtlety of dry humour makes her laugh even more and lightheartedly at those who "just don't get it."

» ぜんかい «

  • You know you're a geek when you...
  • Natural painter
  • Spongebob Monopoly - the ultimate challenge
  • Two days to Spongebob Monopoly
  • I need to become a geek... too!
  • My baby girl's all grown up!
  • There is no title for this one
  • Living on the edge
  • Enough reason
  • Just slightly peeved...

  • December 2005
    January 2006
    February 2006
    March 2006
    April 2006
    May 2006
    June 2006
    July 2006
    August 2006
    September 2006
    October 2006
    November 2006
    December 2006
    January 2007
    February 2007
    March 2007
    April 2007
    May 2007
    June 2007
    July 2007
    August 2007
    September 2007
    October 2007
    November 2007
    December 2007
    January 2008
    March 2008
    April 2008
    May 2008
    July 2008
    March 2009

    » ともだち «

    Adrian - Aloy - Cat - Daniel
    Dawn - Druce - Faith - Jim
    Karen - Kim - Kyoko - Matt
    Miss M - Nicholas - Nova - Sel
    Sherina - Tuna - Verbalme

    » おしゃべり «

    » かんしゃ «

    Sara - Blogger

    25 years and still going...

    Monday, October 30, 2006

    I came home today to find a bouquet of dozen ruby red roses on the table. There was a small card inside which read:

    "For my wife, Happy 25th Anniversary. Love always, your husband."

    Wah... I am damn proud of my father la.

    Every year he sends my mother flowers on their wedding anniversary. And by send I mean get someone to deliver to her personally. Because my mother (as she says) had no flowers to hold on their wedding day, my father has been paying for it ever since.

    Usually on this day, they also go to pak tor at some expensive restaurant of my mother's choice. However, my father will be flying off tomorrow for a business trip, so I guess that is why the flowers are sitting on the table one day early.

    The exact same thing happens on Valentine's day: the flowers and the candlelit dinner. For an unromantic man who doesn't show his feelings outwardly and a thrifty man of few words, I think my father has done very well in these aspects.

    Of course I didn't get to see my mother's reaction but I'm sure she was happy that he remembered and that he did something to show that he remembered, even though I'm pretty sure she didn't show it either.

    On another note, if I didn't already mention before in previous years, these three days are like a festive season for my family, because for three consecutive days we have: my father's birthday, followed by my parents' wedding anniversary, followed by my sister's birthday. Why they coincide a day after the other, I have no idea, but it sure means hell for my pocket.

    And November is not a very friendly month either. I have so many presents to buy! Why why!! I mean, it's not that I don't like buying people presents or what, actually I do love to shop for presents for other people, sometimes more than I do for myself, but I don't really enjoy shopping when I have to keep thinking of budget and whether or not the price matches the worth of the present and such. I like buying nice expensive presents with big budgets, but the emphasis is on the big.

    Anyway I realised that at the end of the day, even though everybody in my family (except my mother and Misty) plus David and other November baby-friends create such a big hole in my wallet during this time, I still heart you guys very much.

    11:51 pm