» わたしのこと «

The writer does not intend to but tends to make silly remarks that make others laugh. Sometimes she enjoys this unintentional trait of hers, and sometimes she detests it. But nevertheless, she loves to laugh at silly things, both good and bad, mostly little silly things, because she finds that life is too short to spend it sulking away. She also tends to be sarcastic with her words because the subtlety of dry humour makes her laugh even more and lightheartedly at those who "just don't get it."

» ぜんかい «

  • Daniel Chin, you sloth
  • I'm such a piece of shit
  • I'm just not made for working life
  • Love at first sight
  • Everything's just not the same without you guys
  • I have internet... finally!
  • The boxes have arrived!
  • The last lap
  • Everything is going to be over soon..
  • Only because the picture looks good...

  • December 2005
    January 2006
    February 2006
    March 2006
    April 2006
    May 2006
    June 2006
    July 2006
    August 2006
    September 2006
    October 2006
    November 2006
    December 2006
    January 2007
    February 2007
    March 2007
    April 2007
    May 2007
    June 2007
    July 2007
    August 2007
    September 2007
    October 2007
    November 2007
    December 2007
    January 2008
    March 2008
    April 2008
    May 2008
    July 2008
    March 2009

    » ともだち «

    Adrian - Aloy - Cat - Daniel
    Dawn - Druce - Faith - Jim
    Karen - Kim - Kyoko - Matt
    Miss M - Nicholas - Nova - Sel
    Sherina - Tuna - Verbalme

    » おしゃべり «

    » かんしゃ «

    Sara - Blogger

    Who says girls can't have toys?

    Friday, September 22, 2006

    I'm a person who gets slightly peeved when someone (usually a guy) comments that "girls can't drive". Well, of course he usually says it quite matter-of-factly, which makes it even more annoying. I don't which is worse, to have some guy sniggering at you for not knowing how to use your newly bought electronics like computers and such, or to have him look upon you patronisingly with the "just let me handle this" mentality.

    May I remind you that the next time you open your big fat mouth and protest against a lady driver or take control of all the toys in her possession, please bear in mind that up to now, it is the boys who have made a mess competing with each other to see whose toy is bigger and better. If you take a trip down memory lane, the boys in Europe have no doubt created a big mess of a world with their mega guns and tanks, while those in America have had an even better playtime blowing up islands with the A bombs, not to mention mechanising humans with the C³I and computers.

    And perhaps we don't know how the girls would have fared if they were to handle the toys instead, but at least we know the boys have had their failures, and does that mean the girls are definitely going to doom the earth just because the boys are nearly done destroying it? Maybe they just need to be given a chance to play with the toys for a change. And who knows, they might just make the world feel better. So who says girls can't have toys?

    And you know what irritates me the most? The fact that I myself sometimes make remarks that some girls just can't handle toys. Why has society conditioned me to think in that way? I mean, some boys can't handle toys as well right? But why don't we make jokes out of that, at the expense of the boys who can't play with toys? Or of those who can play with toys for that matter?

    And girls, don't let the boys patronise you or worse admit to their single conclusion about girls with conviction, like: "I'm a computer idiot" or "I can't drive." Because you can handle toys and much more if you, like the boys, have spent as much time on computers and cars as you have on shopping and clothes.

    1:10 am