» わたしのこと «
The writer does not intend to but tends to make silly remarks that make others laugh. Sometimes she enjoys this unintentional trait of hers, and sometimes she detests it. But nevertheless, she loves to laugh at silly things, both good and bad, mostly little silly things, because she finds that life is too short to spend it sulking away. She also tends to be sarcastic with her words because the subtlety of dry humour makes her laugh even more and lightheartedly at those who "just don't get it."
» ぜんかい «
Tell it Slant
Why we desire Mr Darcy
Her Little Secrets
How to Measure Life?
Doors of the New Year
A Christmas Raptor
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My Imaginary World
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» ともだち «
Adrian -
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» おしゃべり «
» かんしゃ «
Sara -
A Song for the Broken Hearted...
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Now, before any of you get overly concerned or paranoid, I am musing about something I heard from a sermon today.
You know how we normally associate a broken heart with a breakup or something similar of a relationship (usually a BGR) right. Well apparently, someone with a broken heart can also mean someone who feels emptiness in his or her life, such that happiness and joy cannot enter. With this, he says that a person with a broken heart can also approach God to revigorate his life and fill the emptiness of his soul.
I think it's true. I know it has been quite a while, but I do feel emotionally drained still. Perhaps there are a few stages of a broken heart (like its diagnosis and healing stages):
First is obviously the act of breaking itself (like walking away from God or in the BGR sense).
Second is the denial process, where you imagine or hallucinate that you do not have a broken heart (like pretending that the relationship with God or someone is still intact when it isn't).
Third is the start of the healing process, where the truth is accepted as fact and you start to move back into your routine and try hard to fit the pieces of your life back together again (although they probably will not fit back exactly the same way as before).
Fourth is in the midst of the healing process, where you think that you have completely recovered but in actual fact still need more therapy (like discovering that your relationship with God or someone else has changed).
Fifth is doubting if you did recover in the first place, it's like wandering around and coming back to the exact same point and wondering if anything changed during that whole duration.
And maybe after this, this healing process will be completed. Although you may wonder if certain things did change or happen, they did as a matter of fact. I know I'm not an expert on broken hearts (I mean who am I to judge what actually happens when someone gets a broken heart?), but I guess I do have my fair share of them and this is probably what I go through (I think).
I suppose everybody is looking for that special presence to fill their empty hearts drained from previous years or to fill their hungering souls. Probably they are not purposefully searching for it but they are keeping an eye out for it so that they do know how to seize it when it comes. An emotional drain is not a small matter, but it can be escaped from temporarily or only as long as another problem of similar strain pops up.
8:17 pm