» わたしのこと «

The writer does not intend to but tends to make silly remarks that make others laugh. Sometimes she enjoys this unintentional trait of hers, and sometimes she detests it. But nevertheless, she loves to laugh at silly things, both good and bad, mostly little silly things, because she finds that life is too short to spend it sulking away. She also tends to be sarcastic with her words because the subtlety of dry humour makes her laugh even more and lightheartedly at those who "just don't get it."

» ぜんかい «

  • The Six Loves
  • Madwoman in the Attic
  • A Song for the Broken Hearted...
  • Tell it Slant
  • Why we desire Mr Darcy
  • Her Little Secrets
  • How to Measure Life?
  • Doors of the New Year
  • A Christmas Raptor
  • Mourning and Miscellaneous

  • December 2005
    January 2006
    February 2006
    March 2006
    April 2006
    May 2006
    June 2006
    July 2006
    August 2006
    September 2006
    October 2006
    November 2006
    December 2006
    January 2007
    February 2007
    March 2007
    April 2007
    May 2007
    June 2007
    July 2007
    August 2007
    September 2007
    October 2007
    November 2007
    December 2007
    January 2008
    March 2008
    April 2008
    May 2008
    July 2008
    March 2009

    » ともだち «

    Adrian - Aloy - Cat - Daniel
    Dawn - Druce - Faith - Jim
    Karen - Kim - Kyoko - Matt
    Miss M - Nicholas - Nova - Sel
    Sherina - Tuna - Verbalme

    » おしゃべり «

    » かんしゃ «

    Sara - Blogger


    Wednesday, February 22, 2006

    I was young but I wasn't naive
    I watched helpless as he turned around to leave
    And still I have the pain I have to carry
    A past so deep that even you could not bury if you tried

    After all this time

    I never thought we'd be here
    Never thought we'd be here
    When my love for you was blind

    But I couldn't make you see it
    Couldn't make you see it
    That I loved you more than you'll ever know
    A part of me died when I let you go

    I would fall asleep
    Only in hopes of dreaming
    That everything would be like is was before
    But nights like this it seems are slowly fleeting
    They disappear as reality is crashing to the floor

    After all this time
    I never thought we'd be here
    Never thought we'd be here
    When my love for you was blind
    But I couldn't make you see it
    Couldn't make you see it
    That I loved you more than you'll ever know
    A part of me died when I let you go

    After all this time
    Would you ever wanna leave it
    Maybe you could not believe it
    That my love for you was blind
    But I couldn't make you see it
    Couldn't make you see it
    That I loved you more than you will ever know
    A part of me died when I let you go
    And I loved you more than you'll ever know
    A part of me dies when I let you go

    I love this song, not just the lyrics but the whole thing: the energetic guitar drumming and vocals that makes you ache just listening to the song. I guess it does have the power of tugging at someone's heart strings. It's called Blind by Lifehouse, and indeed love is blind. We were just debating the other day, Dawn, Faith and I, about how love plays tricks with your mind and heart, it sticks stamps (or rather more accurately vanguard, according to Faith's mom ha) on your eyes.

    It also, I think, makes you delusional (to quote Mandy), and lets you travel back in time to the past. It drags your emotional baggage around like an unwanted enormous heavy trash bag that you never want to be caught holding. In fact you never ever want people to know you have that amount of baggage, because that would just scare them away if anything. Love also makes you jaded, but it's a kind of drug that you get so addicted to, you keep going back to it (like a cycle of self-destruction) even after you have been hurt by it, and you really want to just...


    but you just don't know how. It's like you have the manual of the phone you just bought but you never look at it because you assume you can figure things out by yourself. But guess what? When it actually breaks down on you and you go back to flip its dusty pages, surprise surprise... you find that it doesn't have the answers either, so now your phone is damaged and even if you bring it for repair, it can never be exactly that same phone you bought before, can it? It becomes like a permanent stain on your record which can't be erased in your mind.

    In the end, you just continue to fall in and out of it in a neverending cycle of trance. No, on the contrary, you get sucked into it like a black hole and you just whirl round and round inside and never get out... unless by some good fortune you find the other end that, rumours has it, leads to another dimension or parallel universe. So actually you don't come out of it... because you can't, not because you don't want to... unless of course by some miracle (which rarely happens in people) you find a way out.

    I'm not saying you can't. I'm saying maybe even if you can, you won't want to.

    12:19 am